Sh*t..its been a long time since I did anything useful with my time. I've stopped running..I haven't played the guitar for 2 weeks now .. I stopped reading Brave New World midway (even though its really awesome). I dont know whats goin on? I wake up late..go to work..come back late and repeat. Anyways I just needed something to get me going and I found it in the form of Evile. They are such an awesome band. They play like the old school thrash bands. If I may dare to say..I feel they're a nice mix of old Metallica and Slayer. The vocalist - Matt Drake, is capable of both singing and shouting his throat out..which is really very impressive. They are from UK and kinda new to the scene. They have released 2 albums - Enter the Grave and Infectious Nations. I got my hands on the former and its epic indeed. It's the only thing I'm listening to these days. Anyways, they are fast, ruthless and have this nice chunky, raw sound. Hopefully they would get me out of the rutt!
So essentially what you are saying is that you have stopped doing productive things, but you found a band which will help you recover your productivity? Really?
Didn't your register for ADHM? Who is going to run that? The band?
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