I am a big fan of Flipkart. I was introduced to Flipkart when I had to buy Sidin Vadukut's book - Dork. I loved the novel and strangely, it got me hooked to the site as well. I was able to find loads of books, which I could not find in any bookstore near my place. Its another story that the nearest bookstore from my place is 10 kms away!
Anyways, I found it extremely convenient to buy it online and the free shipping on most of the books brought out the shopper in me! Soon, they expanded to games and I suddenly found myself buying games for my Xbox 360. When they announced they would also start a music store called Flyte, it really didn't catch my fancy. I assumed there would be the usual bollywood s*it and your typical Planet M's International collection.
Anyways, I found it extremely convenient to buy it online and the free shipping on most of the books brought out the shopper in me! Soon, they expanded to games and I suddenly found myself buying games for my Xbox 360. When they announced they would also start a music store called Flyte, it really didn't catch my fancy. I assumed there would be the usual bollywood s*it and your typical Planet M's International collection.
Anyways, these days, I was on the look out for Kreator's brand new album - Phantom Antichrist. I searched it on Amazon and found that they were selling it for 25$ including shipping...waay over my budget of ....well, downloading off the net!! It was then, I remembered Flyte and thought to give it a try. To my utter surprise, I found 1 search result for Phantom Antichrist. My eyes hurriedly went towards the price and it was time for the next atom bomb of a surprise!! I was literally picking up my jaws from the floor after that. It was a digital download priced at Rs. 67!! F*cking unbelievable!! I just couldn't believe my eyes! I was pretty sure it was incorrect and I thought one song would be for Rs. 67! But when the transaction was done and the download began, I was sorta sure. And when I blasted my speakers with Civilization Collapse, their first song, I swear I was jumping up and down like a li'l girl!! It has a neat download manager through which you can download songs in a batch. You also get options for 320 kbps, 120 kbps or 64 kbps bitrate for each song. Plus, you can download the same files 4 times. Phew! anyways, it was an awesome surprise on an otherwise dull day. Review for Phantom Antichrist coming up soon! \METAL/